It was a new production of Billy Budd. First night too. What happened to the nautical theme of the opera? There was the odd rope and ladder. The stage set (designer Paul Steinberg) looked more like some cheap sci-fi show - with men wearing faux military uniform. Best ignored.

Ed Gardner conducted. And as ever, kept a tight reign in the pit. Benedict Nelson sang the title role. He was ok - sweet enough voice though lacking in power for the large space of the Coliseum. Kim Begley who sang Captain Vere had much more presence - pensive, questioning, authoritative. The chorus was the best part. Numerous, strong and tight. Words were clear, as if they meant every word of it.
Ed Gardner conducted. And as ever, kept a tight reign in the pit. Benedict Nelson sang the title role. He was ok - sweet enough voice though lacking in power for the large space of the Coliseum. Kim Begley who sang Captain Vere had much more presence - pensive, questioning, authoritative. The chorus was the best part. Numerous, strong and tight. Words were clear, as if they meant every word of it.
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